(1) liquid phase valve (2)gas phase valve (3)ball valve on liquid pipe (4)ball valve on liquid pipe (5)ball valve on liquid pipe (6)liquid inlet phase valve (7)gas phase valve (8)liquid outlet phase valve (9)liquid outlet phase to filling scale Process 1, Guide the LPG tank truck or LPG tanke r trailer to park at the side of LPG skid station and wait for the driver to pull hand brake ,turn off the car engine, put a anti-slide block behind the wheel! 2, Check the liquid petroleum gas testing sheet, check the liquid ,check the liquid level , pressure and temperature of LPG tanker truck and LPG tank ,check the valve and flange connections for leaks . 3, Connect the electrostatic ground wire ,remove the quick connector cover, connect the gas hose and liquid hose between the LPG skid station and LPG truck (or LPG trailer ) firmly, open the relief valve , evacuate air in the tube with the station liquefied petroleum gas or propane and close the reli...